Selection of book chapters
- Nagamatsu, Namie, 2023, “Livelihood Difficulties during the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Role of Support Systems”, Yoshio Higuchi and The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training (eds.), Kensho Corona ki Nihon no Hatarakikata: Ishiki/Kodo Henka to Koyo Seisaku no Kadai (Working Style in Japan during the COVID-19 Period: Changing Attitudes and Behaviors and Employment Policy Issues), Keio University Press, 129-151. (in Japanese)
- Nagamatsu, Namie, 2022, “Social Isolation of Welfare Recipients”, Eiji Kawano ed., Hanshin Toshiken no Kenkyu(Osaka Kobe metropolitan area studies), Nakanishiya Publications, Inc., 249-268. (in Japanese)
- Nagamatsu, Namie, 2022, “The Development Process of the Regional Employment Support Program in Osaka Prefecture: An Analysis of Disparities between Municipalities”, Kurita Kyosuke ed., Evidence de Himotoku Chiiki no Mirai (Future for communities: How evidences present the real picture of local activities), Chuokeizai-sya, 63-85. (in Japanese)
- Nagamatsu, Namie, 2021, “Decrease in Income and Household Finances of the Self-Employed During the Covid-19 Pandemic”, Yoshio Higuchi and The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training (eds.), Corona ka ni okeru Kojin to Kigyo no Henyo: Hatarakikata/Seikatsu/Kakusa to Shiensaku (Transformation of Individuals and Firms in the Covid-19 Pandemic: Work, Life, Disparities and Support Measures), Keio University Press, 309-325. (in Japanese)
- Nagamatsu, Namie, 2021, “The Quality of Work of Interpersonal Service Workers,” Tsutomu Watanabe, Toru Kikkawa and Yoshimichi Sato (eds.), Syoshi Kourei Syakai no Kaiso Kouzou Vol.2: Jinsei Tyuki no Kaiso Kouzou (The Structure of Social Stratification of an Aging Society with Low Fertility Vol.2: The Structure of Social Stratification in the Middle-Stage of Life), University of Tokyo Press, 53-66. (in Japanese)
- Nagamatsu, Namie, 2021, “Mental Health of Immigrants: Focusing on Stressors and Social Relations after Migration, Kikuko Nagayoshi ed., Nihon no Imin Tougou: Zenkoku Cyosa kara miru Genkyou to Syogai (Immigrant Integration in Japan: Current Status and Challenges), Akashi Shoten, 163-185. (in Japanese)
- Nagamatsu, Namie, 2017, “Education and Labor”, Kazuo Seiyama, Myungsoo Kim, Akihiko Sato, and Koji Namba eds., Syakaigaku Nyumon (Introduction to Sociology), Minerva Shobo, 79-93. (in Japanese)
- Japanese Association for Mathematical Sociology, Jyunya Tsutsui, Hiroshi Kanbayashi, Namie Nagamatsu, Daisuke Watanabe, and Syo Fujihara eds., 2015, Keiryo Syakaigaku Nyumon (Introduction to Quantitative Sociology: Understanding Society through Data Analysis), Sekai Shiso sya. (in Japanese)
- Nagamatsu, Namie, 2014, “Support Network through Cooperation: Employment Assistance for Welfare Recipients in Toyonaka City”, Miki Tsutsui, Junri Sakurai, and Yuki Honda eds., Syuro Shien wo Toinaosu: Jichitai to Chiiki no Torikumi (Rethinking Employment Assistance: Municipal and Regional Initiatives), Keiso Shobo, 143-159. (in Japanese)
- Nagamatsu Namie, 2011, “Unequal conditions leading to long working hours”, Yoshimichi Sato and Fumiaki Ojima, eds., Gendai no Kaiso Syakai 1: Kakusa to Tayosei (Contemporary Stratified Society 1: Disparities and Diversity), University of Tokyo Press, 97-111. (in Japanese)
Selection of journal articles
- Nagamatsu, Namie, 2025, “Development of the Support Programs for the Self-Reliance of Needy Persons in Osaka Prefecture: Policy Implementation Systems Encouraging Employers’ Engagement”, Forum of the Contemporary Sociology, 24, forthcoming. (in Japanese)
Abstract - Nagamatsu, Namie, 2023, “Increase in Non-Standard Employment and Rising Wage Inequality in Japan”, Kwansei Gakuin University School of Sociology Journal, 140: 85-105. (in Japanese)
Abstract - Nagamatsu, Namie and Mizuki Makagoshi, 2022, “Characteristics of Clients of the Toyonaka City Self-Reliance Support for Needy Persons and Their Evaluation of the Support Services”, Social Policy and Labor Studies, 14(2): 58-69. (in Japanese)
Abstract - Nagamatsu, Namie, 2021, “Japanese labor studies: Women and non-standard workers”, International Sociology Review, 36(2): 194-205.
Abstract / Journal site - Nagamatsu, Namie, 2020, “Unions and Rising Wage Inequality in Japan: Evidence from RIF Regressions and the Decomposition Method”, Japanese Sociological Review, 71(3): 394-410. (in Japanese)
Abstract / Full text (English version) - Nagamatsu, Namie, 2018, “Comparative Analysis of Various Occupational Status Indexes in Social Stratification Research”, Japanese Journal of Labour Studies, 697: 18-28. (in Japanese)
- Nagamatsu, Namie, 2016, “Working Conditions in the Service Economy : A Focus on Job Quality”, Japanese Journal of Labour Studies, 666: 27-39. (in Japanese)
- Nagamatsu, Namie, 2015, “Inter-Industry Wage Differentials in Japan: Evidence from Quantile Regressions,” KWANSEI GAKUIN UNIVERSITY SOCIAL SCIENCES REVIEW, vol.19: 25-50.
- Nagamatsu, Namie, 2015, “The Employment Effect of Post-Industrialization: Evidence from OECD Countries“, Kwansei Gakuin University School of Sociology Journal, 121: 93-106.
- Nagamatsu, Namie and Toru Kikkawa, 2009, “The Education Gap in the Postindustrial Era”, The Japanese Economy, 36(3): 61-95.
- Nagamatsu, Namie, Yusuke Sakaguchi, and Hiroshi Taromaru, 2009, “Formulation of Job Complexity Score: Proposal for an Occupational Index that Reflects Job Content”, Sociological Theory and Methods, 24(1): 77-93. (in Japanese)
- Nagamatsu, Namie, 2008, “Analysis of Earnings Structure with Variables of Skills”, Sociological Theory and Methods, 23(1): 73-89. (in Japanese)
- Namie Nagamatsu, 2006, “Changes in Employment Relations: From the Perspective of Job Autonomy”, Japanese sociological review, 57(3): 476-92. (in Japanese)
Presentations in English
- Nagamatsu, Namie, 2023, “Trust in Public Services for Needy Individuals During the Covid-19 Pandemic”, The 19th Annual Conference of the East Asia Social Policy, Sydney, Australia, 14th September.
- Nagamatsu, Namie, 2018, “Non-standard employment and increasing wage inequality in Japan,” XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, “Cutting-Edge Research in Social Stratification” (RC28), Toronto, Canada, July 18, 2018.
- Nagamatsu, Namie, 2016, “Unions and Rising Wage Inequality in Japan”, The Spring Meeting of the Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28) of the International Sociological Association (ISA), National University of Singapore, Singapore, May 26-28, 2016.
- Nagamatsu, Namie, 2015, “Changes in the Japanese Inter-Industry Wage Structure 1992-2002: Application of Quantile Regression”, The Spring Meeting of the Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28) of the International Sociological Association (ISA), Tilburg University, The Neatherlands, May 28-30, 2015.
- Nagamatsu, Namie and Takahiro Tabuchi, 2014, “Poverty and Mental Illness in People Excluded from the Labor Market in Japan,” XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, “New Inequality and Social Exclusion” (RC19), Yokohama, Japan, July 16, 2014.
- Nagamatsu, Namie, 2014, “The Effect of Collective Bargaining Structures on the Skill-Wage Relationship in OECD Countries”, The Spring Meeting of the Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28) of the International Sociological Association (ISA), the Central European University, Hungary, May 8-10, 2014.
- Nagamatsu, Namie, 2012, “Increasing Inter-Industry Wage Differentials in Japan: Focus on Differences between Occupations”, Fifth Joint Japan-North America Mathematical Sociology Conference, Aug 16, Colorado Convention Center.
- Nagamatsu, Namie, 2008, “Increasing Earnings Inequality by Occupation: Declining Earnings of the Middle Class in Competitive Sector Industries”, Fourth Joint Japan-North America Mathematical Sociology Conference, May 29-Jun 1, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Redondo Beach, CA.
- Nagamatsu, Namie, 2005, “Working Conditions in the Information Society”, The 37th World Congress International Instutute of Sociology (Stockholm, Sweden, 5-9 July 2005)
- Nagamatsu, Namie, 2004, “Occupational Self-direction and IT Use”, The 36th World Congress International Institute of Sociology (Beijing, China, 7-11 July 2004)